martes, 3 de diciembre de 2013

Mi rincón preferido


Mallorca es mi sitio favorito, es una isla al este de españa. Tiene un monton de playas muy bonitas a las que puedes ir a bañarte o tomar el sol y pasarlo bien, tambien puedes ir a pescar porque hay un monton de peces de diferentes colores. Es mi sitio favorito porque me encanta ir a la playa y relajarme, tambien me gusta mucho porque el agua esta mas caliente que la de malaga que esta muy fria y a mi no me gusta.

La primera vez que fui a mallorca fue en 2006, fui a ver a mi familia. En mallorca viven mis primos, ellos me ensñaron un monton de playas y sitios muy chulos y bonitos. Yo se que hay muchos playas mucho mejores a las que ir pero este es un sitio a donde puedes ir y que no te cueste muy caro.

Me encanta mallorca debido a que sus playas son muy parecidas a las del caribe, agua templada, hay muchos animales, son muy naturales ya que no hay ningun edificio ni nada de ciudad cerca y las temperaturas son buenas normalmente, no hace mucho calor en verano y tampoco mucho frio en invierno.

Le recomiendo este sitio a mi mejor amigo Fernando porque le encanta tambien ir a la playa y le gusta mucho el verano y las temperaturas cálidas.

Pienso que todo el mundo que vaya a Mallorca se lo va a pasar muy bien y pasar unas buenas vacaciones y tambien comer muy bien.


Mallorca it is my favorite place, it is an island in the east of  Spain. It has a lot of beaches where you can go swimming or sunbathing and have fun, also you can go fishing there because there are a lot of fishes with different colours there. It is my favorite place because a love going to the beach and feel relax and comfortable, also a like it very much because the water is warmer than in malaga where it is very cold what  i don´t like.

The first time i went to mallorca was in 2006, i went with my family to visit relatives. In mallorca live my cousins, they showed me a lot of beaches and places that were fantastic and very beautiful. I know that there is a lot of places better than this but this is a place that you can go and don´t spend much money.

I love Mallorca because it is like the caribbean beaches, the water is warm, there are a lot of animals, they are very natural with out any construction near them and the temperature is not very hot in summer and very cold in winter.

I recommend this place to my best friend Fernando because he loves the beach too and also he loves summer and warm temperatures.

I think everybody that go to Mallorca could enjoy himself/herslf and have a good time there and also eat very good.

8 comentarios:

  1. Have you been to the caribbean islands?...Anyway I´dlike to know the name of the beach in the imag ethat you have inserted....will you please include highlighters?....Check your CAPITALS!!!!

  2. Your post is very interesting Rafa!! I like Mallorca too

  3. I went to Mayorca when I was little, I like Mallorca too

  4. Majorca is very nice and one of the places I like to go. good post

  5. I like the post and mallorca I knew when I was a child. Good presentation with music

  6. I love mallorca too, it is very nice and the music is so funny

  7. great job Rafa I want to go to Mallorca soon.
