miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2013

La peor violencia

 Definición de bullying, battering y mobbing

 Bullying:  es acoso psicológico, físico o verbal entre los niños en un colegio, bastantes veces durante mucho tiempo.

Battering: Es un tipo de violencia, violencia en casa , ya sea fisica o verbal.

Mobbing: el acoso que realiza una o varias personas hacia otra haciendo que esa persona tenga miedo o intentar desanimarla.

Estos 3 términos podemos resumirlos en una sola palabra: "ACOSO", ya sea escolar o laboral.

http://www.abc.es/sociedad/20130914/abci-florida-suicidio-acoso-menores-201309141656.html Esta noticia es sobre un caso de bullying.

http://ccaa.elpais.com/ccaa/2013/04/16/madrid/1366140910_251060.html Esta noticia es sobre un caso de mobbing.

http://politica.elpais.com/politica/2013/09/18/actualidad/1379527519_369868.html Esta noticia es sobre un caso de battering.

Aquí os dejo un vídeo totalmente aparte de la anterior noticia sobre un caso de "bullying" en castilla la mancha.

Aquí os dejo otro video sobre un caso de "battering".

Aquí os dejo el ultimo video sobre "Mobbing"

Bullying: It is a psychological, physical or verbal harassment between the children in a school, many times for a long time.

Battering: It is a type of violence, it´s violence at home, it can be physically or oral.

Mobbing: The harassment that do one or some persons to other one doing this person feel afraid or to try to discourage the person.

This 3 words we can relacionate in one word: "Harassment"

5 comentarios:

  1. Hi dear... don´t forget to include the Spanish version of the title. add highlighting devices.You must insert a piece of news/video clip per notion, not just one for all. Battering is an specific kind of violence....search more!!!

  2. Hi Rojano! Your blog is interesting and enjoyable. What I like the most is your virtual pets, they look so funny and they give "life" to the blog :)

  3. good job rafa but put a different background ! ;)

  4. Your blog is really good, the best are the little animals, they are so funny.:)))

  5. Hi! I like your blog because the content is very direct and concise and it's cool because there are a lot videos and the background is great! Good job.
